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What is Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens)?Application and uses,Therapeutics and Phar

From: michael derrida
Category: ÉÌÒµÐÅÏ¢
Date: 11/10/2003
Time: 5:19:41 AM
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What is Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens)?Application and uses,Therapeutics and Phar macology of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens).

¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó Composition&Application: Celery Seed is the dried fruit of Apium graviolens, a biennial in the parsle y family. This is the same genus and species used for growing table celery, altho ugh there are particular varieties that are used for the vegetable. The seeds are very small (about 1/16th of an inch), ovoid and light brown. Constituents of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens): 1.5-3% volatile oil (contain ing the terpenes limonene and b-selinene, and phthalides); coumarins (seselin, os thenol, apigravin, celerin, umbelliferone); furanocoumarins (including bergapten) , flavonoids (apigenin, apiin), phenolic compounds, choline, ascorbate, fixed oil , fatty acids and unidentified alkaloids.

Botanical Basic Data of Celery Seed:Apium Graveolens Botanical Basic Data of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens) Botanical Souce:Apium graveolens (L) Part Used:Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens),Seed and Root, dried ripe fruit, aer ial parts Synonyms and Common names:Apii fructus, celery fruit, celery seed, smallage,G arden Celery, Wild celery,Smallage,Marsh Water Parsley

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Botanical Basic Data of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens). Botanical Description:What is Apium?. General Description of of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens). Property,Nutrients and Constituents of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens). Application and uses of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens). Therapeutics and Pharmacology of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens).

Botanical Description:What is Apium? Apium is a strong-smelling, slender, erect biennial herb, up to 60cm tall, i ndigenous to Europe, the US, Asia and Africa in coastal areas, and extensively cu ltivated in the temperate regions of Europe and North America. It has shiny pinna te leaves and large toothed leaflets, the upper trifoliate and unstalked. The flo wers are white, in four to twelve simple umbels in a compound umbel which is ofte n opposite a leaf; there are no upper or lower bracts. The petals are small and e ntire with a small inflected point, and the fruits are very small and slightly co mpressed laterally. The flowering period is from June to August. There are severa l cultivated varieties which emphasise the size of the ribbed stem, and all varie ties have medicinal properties. Chinese = Qincai or Han-ch¡¯in, French = Ache, German = Sellerie, Spanish = Apio, Italian = Sedano Part Used:Seed and Root, dried ripe fruit, aerial parts.

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General Description of of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens).: Celery Seed is the dried fruit of Apium graviolens, a biennial in the parsle y family. This is the same genus and species used for growing table celery, altho ugh there are particular varieties that are used for the vegetable. The seeds are very small (about 1/16th of an inch), ovoid and light brown. Taste and Aroma: Celery Seed tastes similar to table celery, with its warm, slightly bitter, aromatic flavor. History Region and Origin of Celery Seed: Celery Seed and table celery are grown from a domesticated variety of a wild plant known as "smallage." Smallage was grown by Greeks and Romans for medicinal qualities. It was associated with funerals and bad luck. Collection: The seed is collected when ripe in September, the herb at any ti me during the growing season. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Property,Nutrients and Constituents of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens).: Properties: Alterative, Antiseptic, Carminative, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Hypo tensive, Nervine, Purgative (mild), , Sedative, Stimulant (uterine), Stomach Prim ary Nutrients: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfur, V itamins A, B and C Constituents of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens): 1.5-3% volatile oil (containing the terpenes limonene and b-selinene, and ph thalides); coumarins (seselin, osthenol, apigravin, celerin, umbelliferone); fura nocoumarins (including bergapten), flavonoids (apigenin, apiin), phenolic compoun ds, choline, ascorbate, fixed oil, fatty acids and unidentified alkaloids. Actions and indications of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens) : mild diuretic, m ild spasmolytic, carminative, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, sedative, hypoten sive, urinary antiseptic, reputed aphrodisiac. Indications: rheumatism, arthritis, gout, inflammation of the urinary tract. Specifically indicated in rheumatoid arthritis. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Application and uses of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens).: Primary Uses: Arthritis, Back Pain (lower), Nervousness, Rheumatism Secondary Uses: Bright's Disease, Catarrh/post-nasal, Edema, Gout, Headaches , Insomnia, Liver Disorders, Vomiting, Urine retention History Uses of Celery Seed: Celery or as the ancients called it "smallage" has been used as a medicine s ince the time of the Greeks. In the Middle Ages, it was discovered that cultivati on produced a much superior plant. At that time people began to use it more widel y as a vegetable. It was not until the 19th century that the seeds were used in r ecipes, appearing first in pickling recipes. Tests conducted at the University of Chicago have found that celery helps as a remedy for mild hypertension. Scientists have found that celery contains 3~n~ butylphthalide which relaxes smooth muscle lining blood vessels. This chemical wa s found to reduce blood pressure by probably lowering stress hormones in the bloo d by acting on an enzyme which makes them. Celery Seed can help regulate blood pressure Acts as a remedy to help rheumatoid or arthritic problems Celery Seed can help improve digestion Celery Seed can help improve the efficiency of the kidney function Celery Seed is useful in treating gout Celery Seed helps to reduce and combat infections of the bladder Celery seed has been used to improve digestion and liver functions. The orga nic sodium found in celery can help the stomach and joints. Celery seed is often used as a diuretic to alleviate water retention. Celery seed has a stimulating effect on the kidneys to promote urine flow. Celery seed also promotes perspiration which may help with weight loss when water retention is a problem. Celery seed has blood pressure lowering abilities. Celery seed has been found to help regulate nervous system by producing a ca lming effect. Celery seed helps in diseases of chemical imbalance and acts as an antioxida nt. Both stems and seeds of celery have been reported to help balance acidity in the body (gout). Celery seed stimulates sex drive and is helpful for the relief of headaches.

Celery is a sedative, yet it has a stimulating effect on the kidneys and wil l produce an increase flow of urine. Celery Seed Extract cure arthritic problems Celery Seed Extract may help to improve digestion Can help improve the effic iency of the kidney function,Is useful in treating gout,Can help to combat infect ions of the bladder,suggestive dosage:Celery Seed 200mg Celery is also known by the names Smallage and Marsh Water Parsley. Celery is a widely cultivated, biennial plant which also grows wild in salty soils of North and South America, Europe, and Africa. Celery has been widely use d as both a food and a medication since the Middle Ages. Medicinal preparations b egan to emerge in the late 19th century and these generally contained the juice o f crushed celery seeds. Today, Celery Seed is used therapeutically due to the presence of constituen ts in the volatile oil component of the seed. Celery Seed is most often taken to aid in the maintenance of healthy joints. It is suitable for anyone who wishes to reduce the degeneration of body joints that commonly occurs with age. Celery See d can also ease joint discomfort that occurs due to inflammation and is, in fact, mainly used for the relief of symptoms of such conditions as arthritis, rheumati sm and gout. Celery Seed has an antiseptic property that makes it useful to the health of the urinary tract and a diuretic property to help relieve fluid retention - Cele ry Seed aids in the elimination of uric acid. These properties can prove useful i n cases of bladder disorders, cystitis and kidney disorders. Celery also promotes the onset of menstruation. Celery Seed can help soothe the nerves and relieve pa in. Consuming Celery Seed in food also aids in the digestion of protein. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Therapeutics and Pharmacology of Celery Seed(Apium Graveolens): Apium is known as a mild diuretic and urinary antiseptic and has been used i n the treatment of urinary calculi. It has a calming effect on the gut, and can b e used in the relief of flatulence and griping pains. However, whilst it can redu ce visceral spasm, it conversely stimulates the smooth muscle of the womb and can bring on delayed menstruation. After childbirth it helps the uterus readjust and encourages the flow of breast milk. The phthalides are the constituents responsi ble for the antispasmodic, sedative and diuretic actions. Apium has a direct acti on on the kidneys, increasing the elimination of water and speeding up the cleara nce of accumulated toxins from the joints and so is of benefit in any oedematous condition that accompanies arthritis. It is often administered with Taraxacum rad ix to increase the efficiency of elimination by both the kidneys and the liver. A pium is also hypoglycaemic, and as such is helpful in diabetes; this action seems to involve a direct action on the pancreas and its production of insulin. Clinic al studies in China have demonstrated a hypotensive action for the tincture, and this is accompanied by increased urine output. The flavonoid apigenin has exhibit ed significant anti-platelet activity in vitro. Apium volatile oil act antifungal: The volatile oil in Apium has been shown to have antifungal activity, and it is active against many bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albus, Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella typhi, Streptococcus faecalis, Streptococ cus pyogenes and Pseudomonas solanacearum. No activity was observed against Esche richia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Celery seed May help prevent certain cancers, regulates blood pressure, redu ces cholesterol. Celery seed adds a distinctive bite to sauerkraut, a fine-edged sharpness to coleslaw and a tangy zip to soups, stews and salad dressings. Yet along with its refreshing flavor, scientists have found that celery seed may also be adding protection against cancer, high blood pressure and high chole sterol. In a study for the National Cancer Institute, Luke Lam, Ph.D., and his colle agues at LKT Laboratories in St. Paul, Minnesota, have been analyzing the chemica l constituents of celery seed oil and their effect on living beings. "We isolated five compounds of interest," says Dr. Lam, who was formerly a r esearcher at the University of Minnesota. "Then we took three of those compounds and looked for their ability to prevent tumor formation in animals." The result? "The compound sedanolide was the most active," says Dr. Lam. It and a related compound ¡ª butyl phthalide ¡ª reduced the incidence of tumors in l aboratory animals anywhere from 38% to 57%. Whether celery can help prevent cance r in people as well as in animals is not yet known. Studies also suggest that celery seed may give people an edge on another hea lth front: lower blood pressure. So reports William Keller, Ph.D., professor and head of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutics at the Northeast Lo uisiana University School of Pharmacy in Monroe. In one study at the University of Chicago, laboratory animals given a daily dose of butyl phthalide experienced a 12 percent reduction in their systolic (the top number) blood pressure over a four-week period. What's more, laboratory stud ies also indicate that butyl phthalide may help reduce high cholesterol. If you'd like to reap celery seed's medicinal power, prepare a tea by pourin g boiling water over 1 teaspoon of freshly crushed seeds. Let it steep for 10 to 20 minutes before drinking. Medicinal amounts of celery seed reputedly: Help shed water weight:The herb contains a diuretic substance, which will ca use you to lose water weight. This may be helpful in getting started in a weight- loss program. The keys to lasting weight control, however, are a healthful, low-f at diet and regular exercise. Lower blood pressure and cholesterol:In one study, at the University of Chic ago, lab animals who were given a daily dose of a compound extracted from celery seed experienced a 12 percent reduction in their blood pressure over a four-week period. The same study indicated it may reduce artery-clogging cholesterol. Combinations:Apium combines well with Menyanthes and/or Guaiacum in rheumati c disease. The therapeutic action of Apium is potentiated by Taraxacum. Caution: Apium should be avoided in pregnancy because it is a uterine stimul ant. The volatile oil in quantity is toxic to the kidneys and so should not be us ed in kidney disorders. Allergic reactions are rare. Additional Comments:In Germany, celery preparations are used to treat loss o f appetite loss and exhaustion, and also in the prophylaxis of nervous exhaustion . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Scintific References: What is Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens)?Application and uses,Therapeutics and Pharmacology of Celery Seed (Apium Graveolens).Via Michael Derrida.

powder available: ¡¤Celery Seed P.E. 5:1(Apium Graveolens Powder Extracts,Smallage P.E.) ¡¤Celery Seed P.E. 10:1(Apium Graveolens Powder Extracts,Smallage P.E.)

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--------Cooperation---Welcome------------------- Processor and Deliver: MDidea Group Area: New-Tech Economic Zone,YinChuan City.China General Division Charger:Michael Derrida E-mail: derrida@vip.163.com website; http://www.mdidea.com

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