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Medicinal Wild Yam ---Sexual Enhancement Extracts and Happy Materials?

From: derrida michael E-mail:derrida@vip.163.com  http://www.mdidea.com
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Date: 8/5/2003
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Medicinal Wild Yam ---Sexual Enhancement Extracts and Happy Materials?

¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó Wild Yam Scientific Name:Dioscorea Villosa Other Names: Colic-root, Devil's-bones, Rheumatism Root, Wilde Yamwurzel

Although common in the woodlands in my part of Middle Tennessee; Wild Yam is listed as endangered by and should never be harvested from natural habitat. In m y experience wild yam rootlets planted in pots immediately after harvesting from destroyed forest habitat will die back within a dew days. However if kept in gall on pots with potting soil in shade and watered every other day they will spring b ack up after about three weeks.

Habitat: (Dioscorea Villosa) Perennial climbing vine native to Eastern N. Am erica from New England to Minnesota and Ontario, south to Florida and Texas. Most common in the central and southern United States Wild Yam is found growing in da mp woods and swamps, thickets, roadside fences and hedges. Cultivation is easy fr om root cuttings taken in the winter or late fall. Tubercles or baby tubers can b e found in the leaf axils in late summer and early autumn. These should be taken when about pea size and easily fall away from the vine. They should be planted im mediately in individual pots and kept inside till spring. Wild yam prefers sandy to loamy medium, well-drained, moist soils and requires partial shade. The plant is a trailing vine climbing over adjacent shrubs and bushes, growing to a length of 15 feet or more with a smooth, reddish-brown stem and heart-shaped long petiol ed leaves from 2 to 6 inches long and 1 to 4 inches wide. Leaves have very promin ent veins which run lengthwise from the center top of the heart shape out into a fan patern. They are usually alternate, but sometimes grow in twos and fours near the base of the plant. The root runs horizontally beneath the surface of the gro und, it is long, branched, crooked, and woody, forming tubers which are light bro wn outside and white fibrous inside. The small, greenish-yellow flowers are produ ced in drooping clusters about 3 to 6 inches long (male) and in drooping, spikeli ke heads (female), blooming from June to August. Gather tubers and roots in fall, dry for later herb use. Not to be stored for longer than 1 year.

Properties: Wild Yam is edible and medicinal, though said to be bland, when cooked with seasoning it is tasty. Used for centuries as a medicinal herb by the Aztec and Myan peoples for a wide range of ailments including many female problem s and to relieve the pain of child birth. Research indicates that this is a power ful alternative medicine containing many steroidal saponins, mainly Dioscin which is widely used to manufacture progesterone and other steroid drugs used as contr aceptives and in the treatment of various disorders of the genitary organs as wel l as in other diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Other constituents Phytoster ols (beta-sitosterol), alkaloids and Tannins make this plant useful as an antiinf lammatory, antispasmodic, cholagogue, diaphoretic and vasodilator. A decoction of the root is used to alleviate many of the symptoms of menopause and PMS such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and vaginal dryness. It is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, gall bladder complaints, spasmodic cra mps, painful menstruation, and in small doses is especially helpful in treating t he nausea of pregnant women.

All About Dioscorea oposita (wild yam):An Introduction

"Not just another yam." What is Dioscorea oposita?

Family: Dioscoreaceae

Genus and Species: Dioscorea oposita

Dioscorea oposita, a bean-like perennial climber with long tuberous roots, i s commonly called "chinese yam" or "wild yam", and grows mainly in East Asia (Chi na, Korea, and Japan). A number of Dioscorea variants also grow over the world. F lowers of Dioscorea are dioecious (opposite of hermaphrodite), and bloom in Septe mber and October. Dioscorea oposita root has been used in Asia for millennia as a tonic herb, and are mainly cultivated in China and Korea for medicinal purposes. Elsewhere in the world, a variety of wild yams have been used as food and herbal medicine to treat rheumatism and arthritis, and also as a cardiotonic. Dioscorea root has saponins, choline, protein, starch, mucilage, fat, sugar, amino acids, amylase (enzyme), phytic acid, mannan, allantoin, vitamin C, beta-carotene, chrom ium, cobalt, dioscin, dioscorin, diosgenin, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, r iboflavin, selenium, silicon, thiamin, and zinc, among others. A detailed breakdo wn of the chemical composition of Dioscorea species can be found in USDA medicina l plant database, Dr. James A. Duke

-Therapeutic Actions:

Dioscorea oposita is known as a tonic herb that supports spleen, lung, and k idney.

Dioscorea root contains diosgenin, which has anti-fatigue, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, hypocholesterolemic, and estrogenic effects. Dioscorea is antispasm odic, and could be helpful for nausea of pregnant women (morning sickness), spasm odic hiccough and asthma.

Dioscorea root has been found to contain phytosteroids such as diosgenin and saponin, which are precursors for manufacturing progesterone and other steroid dr ugs.

Dioscorea oposita is suggested for:

1. chronic fatigue

2. loss of appetite

3. leukorrhea

4. immune deficiency

5. overall weakness and coldness in extremities

6. diarrhea


Dioscorea oposita root is most commonly taken in the form of decoction or te a, or as dry powder supplied in capsules, and in combination with other herbs in many formula.

Dose: Daily intake of up to 9-30 grams of dry root for decoction, or even 25 0 grams of dry root decoction in case of wasting and thirsting disorders is sugge sted [Chinese Herbal Medicine, Materia Medica: edited by Dan Bensky and Andrew Ga mble, revised edition, 1993].

Side Effects: Possible, but rare adversary effects that have been reported a re constipation and elevation of blood pressure.

Wild Yam: hormone balancing and breast enlargement

Creams, lotions and nutritional supplements with Wild Yam extract are a big hit now. They are recommended as a natural solution to hormonal problems and for breast enlargement. How do they work, and can Wild Yam really help?

Hormonal system is a complicated mechanism that regulates the way your body functions. Food, stress, even day schedule can affect this system and, by that, t he way you look and feel. Because it is impossible to discuss all aspects of endo crine system in one article, I will briefly cover estrogen and progesterone - two hormones whose balance is so important in a woman's body.

Estrogen is a name for a group of hormones that take part in regulating woma n's reproductive system. It is produced by ovaries. As soon as an ovary releases an egg, it starts making estrogen to prepare (thicken) the inner lining of the ut erus for pregnancy.

Progesterone is a hormone that is produced by the follicle after ovulation. It keeps the inner lining of uterus ready to receive a fertilized ovum, and later provides the nurturing for the development of the embryo. If the egg was not fer tilized, progesterone encourages the uterus to shed the lining, and the result is menstruation flow.

If the body lacks estrogen, it uses progesterone to produce more estrogen. O n the other hand, progesterone counteracts the effect of estrogen. The key is the balance of these two hormones. Too much of either one can cause health problems.

Most women experience lack of progesterone, not estrogen. In addition to est rogen made by the body, we receive doses of estrogen with meats and dairy (farm a nimals are given this hormone to gain more weight). Symptoms of estrogen dominanc e are irregular menstrual flow, hot flashes, cramping, mood swings, migraines - t o name a few. Excess estrogen is also associated with endometrial problems, inclu ding endometrial cancer. Sufficient levels of progesterone can prevent these prob lems. Interesting enough, in one study patients who were given natural progestero ne showed an increase in bone density, which means that progesterone prevents and even reverses osteoporosis.

Natural progesterone supplements are used to balance estrogen. Natural proge sterone has a structure similar to that of human progesterone and is made form pl ant fats; one of such fats is diosgenin. Wild Yam is reach in diosgenin, so it be came the most popular source of natural progesterone.

However, it is a common mistake to think that Wild Yam constituents are conv erted into progesterone by a human body. It does not happen. Progesterone can be derived from a Wild Yam plant, but only in a lab. So why do people still find Wil d Yam creams helpful?

Diosgenin found in Wild Yam is a phytoestrogen, and it closely resembles hum an progesterone. Due to this similarity, body reacts to it as if it were progeste rone.

Because they are not the same as human hormones, phytoestrogens are far less potent which results in slower effect but safer use. Phytoestrogens do not cause any side effects. Unlike estrogen which, when in excess, is associated with endo metrial cancer, phytoestrogens do not evoke cell growth.

Many people question the effectiveness of topical application.

Our skin has the ability to absorb elements that come in contact with it. Th ese elements travel with the blood flow or accumulate in tissues. Nicotine patche s, essential oil blends work this way. The benefits of it are obvious: nutrients and vitamins do not travel through the digestive system and liver, where they can be broken down and lose their effect. Diosgenin becomes nearly useless after it goes through the liver.

On the other hand, when it is applied to such areas as breasts, inner thighs , belly, it easily penetrates the skin. When it is accumulated in breast tissues, it makes fat cells a little bigger, which adds fullness and roundness to the bre asts. It does not increase the number of cells, therefore there is a limit to siz e increase, and the increase itself depends on the amount of fat cells already pr esent.

After phytoestrogens get into the blood flow, they cause mild estrogenic eff ect. In other words, they "draw attention" of cell receptors and lock on them pre venting real estrogen from producing significant and often undesirable effect. Th at is why women who suffer from PMS, cramping, menopausal discomfort will benefit from Wild Yam cream. Before the breast enlargement effect was discovered, Wild Y am had been used to treat these complaints for hundreds of years.

Whether you want to balance your hormones, or to add fullness to the breasts , Wild Yam cream can be a part of the solution. The results will depend on your a ctual hormone levels. Sometimes additional food supplements will be necessary for hormone balancing and faster results.

Note: Information in this article is not to be taken as a medical advise. Al ways consult your doctor if you need professional help.

The use of phytochemicals as a form of female hormone replacement therapy is an evolving science about which much confusion reigns for potential users. For e xample, natural progesterone, made from plant sterols, has historically been prod uced from diosgenin found in wild yam (Dioscorea) roots. Diosgenin is one of the many phytogenins contained in various species of wild yam.

The diosgenin molecule is similar to progesterone produced by the human body . Many pharmaceutical companies have standardized wild yam extracts to specific d iosgenin levels to try and equal or mimic the synthetic prescription hormone's ac tivity.

Then there are three types of additional phytohormones used for estrogen rep lacement therapy. Estriol, Estrone, and Estradiol are all derived from either soy bean plants or Mexican wild yams. These naturally-occurring progesterone and estr ogen products are much friendlier to women's bodies than the conventionally presc ribed synthetic pharmaceuticals.

Women's Hormone Problems

Premarin?, a conjugated estrogen made from the urine of pregnant mares, is t he most commonly prescribed estrogen in current use. Most women of pre-menopausal , menopausal, or post-menopausal age will be able to identify with this prescript ion drug.

Yet, of the 20 million women in the United States who are currently candidat es for hormone replacement therapy, only about 40 percent of them seem willing to take conventional recommended prescriptions. Among these women, the five-year co mpliance is a mere 25 percent.

Why such a poor response? Patient concerns include fear of breast and endome trial cancer, frustration with bleeding or PMS-like symptoms, cost of medicines, cost of physician and laboratory monitoring, discomfort associated with endometri al biopsy and/or mammography, confusion, lack of information, fear of "putting ch emicals" into the body, numerous associated side effects, and general distrust of the largely male-dominated medical community.

Safer than any synthetic hormone replacement drug is medicinal wild yam. Wil d yams contain a multitude of hormone-like compounds used to treat a variety of f emale medical problems. Endocrine hormones present in varieties of wild yam roots are recognized by the British Herbal Pharmacopeia as spasmolytics (relieving smo oth muscle spasm), mild diaphoretics (increasing perspiration), anti-inflammatori es, antirheumatics, and cholagogues (promoting bile flow into the intestine).

They are used to relieve intestinal colic, diverticulitis, rheumatoid arthri tis, muscular rheumatism, abdominal cramps, intermittent claudication, and ovaria n and uterine pain.

Wild yams are the primary sources for the production of semisynthetic proges terone (progesterone U.S.P.), dehydroephiandrosterone (DHEA), and other hormones. The use of wild yams (in safely recommended amounts) offers the user relief with very few side effects, unlike Premarin? and additional prescription counter-part s. Rosemary Gladstar, author of Herbal Healing for Women, states: "Wild yam has b een the most widely used herb in the world today and provides 50 percent of the r aw materials for manufacturing steroids. More than 200 million prescriptions are produced annually and sold where wild yam diosgenin is utilized."

Why Use Wild Yam? Women facing choices regarding hormone supplementation need to educate thems elves and make personal decisions. Depending on physicians for such decisions bec omes unrewarding because most doctors are hesitant to prescribe natural substance s due to their own lack of knowledge about them. Here are the reasons for using wild yam estrogen or progesterone either as a pill, skin cream, an oil, skin patch, subcutaneous implant, vaginal gel, pessary , cream, or sublingual drops: * to arrest postmenopausal bone loss; * to prevent osteoporosis; * to reduce the pathology of hip and radius fractures; * to stop illness or death from coronary artery disease; * to relieve the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, nightsweats, vaginal atrophy, mood swings, depression, heart palpitations, loss of skin tone, etc.

In addition, the elimination of pre-menstrual syndrome is achieved by use of wild yam extracts. If proges- terone is deficient and /or estrogen is dominant, a woman will experience symptoms of PMS such as water retention, breast soreness, migraines, mood swings, and cramping. Supplementing with natural progesterone de rived from wild yam tends to stimulate the body's own cycle of progresterone prod uction and helps to bring the body back to its equilibrium.

Dr. Morton Walker, a former practicing doctor of podiatric medicine, has bee n working for the past 27 years as a free-lance, professional medical journalist. He is the published author of 1,700 clinical journal and maga- zine articles, pl us 63 books. His newest title is How to Stop Baldness and Regrow Hair: Preventing and Successfully Treating Hair Loss for Both Adult Sexes

Scintific References: Medicinal Wild Yam ---Sexual Enhancement Extracts and Happy Materials. By Mic hael Derrida. [Amanuensis&Symbol trace Calligrapher: Michael Derrida]

for more details, just check as following url or contact with directly: http://www.mdidea.com/products/herbextract/wildyam/data.html

Extracts available: Wild Yam(Dioscorea Villosa)P.E.Diosgenin 98%HPLC Wild Yam(Dioscorea Villosa)P.E.Diosgenin 20%HPLC Wild Yam(Dioscorea Villosa)P.E.Diosgenin 16%HPLC Wild Yam(Dioscorea Villosa)P.E.Diosgenin 12%HPLC Wild Yam(Dioscorea Villosa)P.E.Diosgenin 10%HPLC Wild Yam(Dioscorea Villosa)P.E.Diosgenin 8%HPLC Wild Yam(Dioscorea Villosa)P.E.Diosgenin 6%HPLC

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Manufacture and Supplier: MDidea Charger:MR. Derrida Michael Quality: The Best Price:Most Competitive Exporter Division De MDidea:Professional L'Extrait de Plant Pour recevoir votre commande, contactez-nous : Delegate/Charger:Mr. Michael Derrida Par e-mail derrida@vip.163.com

Par web(Professional L'Extrait de Plant): http://www.mdidea.com Par web(Standard Material professional): http://www.materialstandard.com Par web(Professional bio antioxidant): http://www.bio-anti.com

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