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Archeology of social disease and advertisements for curing venereal disease in ci

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Archeology of social disease and advertisements for curing venereal disease in ci vilization of 18th century

Amanuensis: michael derrida

¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó Brief Description:

Normally,"venereal disease" means syphilis, gonorrhoea, chancroid or granulo ma inguinale.These are diseases, which are transmitted from one person to another mostly through sexual contact. Till recently, these diseases were collectively c alled Venereal Diseases (VD) after 'Venus¡±- the Roman goddess of love. Herein after some more topics and history study about this phenomena in civi lization for refrerence.

. Article Type&Classification: Contents:Knowledge Archeology of Phenomena Details of Ingredient descriptions ¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó¡ó

Archeology ofsocial disease and advertisements for curing venereal disease in ci vilization of 18th century


Fifty years after the development of effective antibiotics, infectious diseas es remain the leading cause of death in most parts of the world:

one third of all deaths are attributable to bacterial, viral, or parasitic in fections.

Newly described diseases, from Ebola to AIDS, are due to emerging infectious pathogens, while tuberculosis remains the world's leading infectious killer of ad ults.

What accounts for the emergence of new diseases and the persistence of readil y treatable scourges?

It is increasingly clear that social forces underlie the distribution and out comes of most of these diseases.

The Program In Infectious Disease and Social Change brings an integrated bios ocial approach, with contributions from a broad range of clinical, social, and la boratory-based disciplines, to bear on these strikingly patterned epidemics

what is social disease??? Nearly 750,000 cases of gonorrhea are reported annu ally in the United States. Another 750,000 unreported cases, mostly among teenage rs and young adults, are believed to occur each year. Symptoms, diagnosis, and tr eatment(From: Gonorrhea)

Normally definition fo "Social Disease" means venereal disease, and herein af ter in our definition this is one branch.

and defined as following: it including venereal disease and other disease rel ating with otherness of the others.

normally including hypochondria (hypochondrium) and hysteria,and lovesickness .

Venereal diseases -exually Transmitted Diseases (STDS)

those communicated through sexual intercourse are extremely dangerous. Normal ly,"venereal disease" means syphilis, gonorrhoea, chancroid or granuloma inguinal e.

These are diseases, which are transmitted from one person to another mostly t hrough sexual contact. Till recently, these diseases were collectively called Ven ereal Diseases (VD) after 'Venus¡±- the Roman goddess of love.

The major sexually transmitted diseases including:Syphilis,Gonorrhoea Chancro id,Lympho Granuloma,Granuloma Inguinale,

The minor diseases are:Non-specific Urethritis, Genital Warts,Molluscum Conta giosum, Genital Herpes,Trichomonasis.

The main venereal diseases are gonorrhoea & syphilis. Gonorrhoea is an inflam matory disease, which affects specially the mucous membrane of the urethra in the male. But it spreads to other parts of the body also. In men it is characterised by irritation in the urethra, scalding pain on passing and a viscid discharge ye llowish white in colour. The glands in the groin often enlarge and may also suppu rate. The urine is cloudy and threads of pus are visible to the naked eye. If the disease is not attended to in the primary stage then the result is impotence.

The other venereal disease is syphilis. At the time of commencement it shows a characteristic sore at the site of the infection. In later stages, it produces morbid conditions similar to those produced by leprosy and tuberculosis. A small ulcer appears at the site of the infection which is accompanied by a typical hard ness of tissue immediately around & benefit it, and characterized by resistance t o all healing treatment. If not treated properly at the primary stages, then in t he secondary stages commences with fever, loss of appetite, vague pain through ou t the body & a faint red rash seen best on the chest. The final or tertiary stage develops after the lapse of some months or year masses of granulation tissue app ear throughout the body. They are hard nodules or there may be tumor like masses in the muscles. The final blow or the coup de grace is the diseases of the arteri es & the nervous system. Sot the process to erectile dysfunction is thus complete . In this stage only unani herbalism can treat the impotence not other system of medicine.

Venereal Disease (VD) has played a key role in mankind's social and cultural history of modern civilization. "Not only has it been significant in shaping and articulating perceptions of sexuality generally, it has also provided a rich fie ld for the study of the state's response to perceived threats to public health oc casioned by what were deemed to be inappropriate and dangerous forms of sexual an d gender behaviour." The sociological studies of VD can be found in all areas of historical studies where social conditions affect the history of mankind. This bo ok does not merely provide a set of narrative histories of VD policy in the vario us countries, but tries to provide comparative perspectives, patterns of continui ty and change, and an insight into how VD "both reflected and shaped social attit udes to sexuality and social relationships."

The individual chapters cover: "Syphilis and Prostitution: A regulatory Coup let in Nineteenth-Century France," "Passing the Black Judgment: Swedish Social Po licy on Venereal Disease in the Early Twentieth Century," "The Shadow of Contagio n: Gender, Syphilis and the Regulation of Prostitution in the Netherlands, 1870-1 914," "Doctors, Social Medicine and VD in Late-Nineteenth-Century and Early-Twent ieth-Century Spain," "The Fatherland Is in Danger, Save the Fatherland: Venereal Disease, Sexuality and Gender in Imperial and Weimar German," "Vision of Sexual H ealth and Illness in Revolutionary Russia," "Venereal Diseases and Society in Bri tain, from the Contagious Diseases Acts to the National Health Service," "The Tho rns of Love: Sexuality, Syphilis and Social Control in Modern Italy," "Public Hea lth, Venereal Disease and Colonial Medicine in the Later Nineteenth Century," "He alth and Empire: Britain's National Campaign to Combat Venereal Diseases in Shang hai, Hong Kong and Singapore," "Venereal Disease, Sexuality and Society in Uganda ," "Women, Venereal Disease and the Control of Female Sexuality in Post-War Hambu rg," "The Price of the Permissive Society: The Epidemiology and Control of VD and STDs in Late-Twentieth-Century Scotland," and "Sexually Transmitted Disease Poli cy in the English National Health Service, 1948-2000: Continuity and Social Chang e."

These are interesting essays that are very scholarly. Each has an extensive list of references and a brief index aids in locating specific bits of informatio n. "This wide-ranging and illuminating book will be an invaluable resource for re searchers in a number of disciplines including history, history of medicine, soci al policy, welfare, gender and sexuality, politics, and cultural studies." It is a recommended book for all academic libraries.

*****-->01>Jacques de Bethencourt, 1527 The venereal disease is a condition of the body proceeding from sexual interc ourse and contagion: at the onset causing ulcers on the genitalia or point of con tagion: then corrupting the humors especially the phlegm, the organs of generatio n: by which pustules, tumors, ulcers and pains are produced. Contributor: Huth, Edward J.*Source: de Bethencourt, Jacques. Nova Peonitenti alis Quadragesima, nec non Purgatorium in Morbum Gallicum sive Venereum. Paris; 1 527 [As cited in Major RH, Classic Descriptions of Disease, p. 41 (q.v.)].

*****-->02>Cotton Mather, 1724 Among other Judgments which even in This World overtake the Vicious, who bein g past all Feeling, have given themselves over unto Lasciviousness, to Work all U ncleanness with Greediness; there is of Later time, inflicted a Foul Disease; the Description whereof, and of the Symptoms that attend it, would be such a Nasty D iscourse, that Civility to the Readers will Supercede it; and the Sheets of the T reatise now before him, Shall not be stained with so much Conspurcation. Contributor: Huth, Edward J.*Source: Mather, Cotton. The Angel of Bethesda. 1 724 [Reprinted in Jones GW (ed). Barre, MA: American Antiquarian Society and Barr e Publishers; 1972, p. 83].

*****-->03>Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, [1749-1832] The solitude at night in bed is so depressing. Yet how revolting is the fear of the snakes that threaten the road of love, And the fear of the poison among th e roses of lust, When in the moment sublime of the complete surrender, Whispers o f worry to follow are beginning to approach your mind about to relax. Contributor: Aterman, Kurt*Source: von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Unseemly Matt ers: From the "Secret Archive" of a Certain Herr von Goethe. Translated by Aterma n K. Zurich: Werner Classen Verlag; 1974, p. 14.

*****-->04>Abraham Colles, 1837 A child born of a mother who is without any obvious venereal symptoms, and wh ich, without being exposed to any infection subsequent to its birth, shows this d isease when a few weeks old¡­will infect the most healthy nurse, whether she suck le it, or merely handle and dress it; and yet this child is never known to infect its own mother, even though she suckle it while it has venereal ulcers of the li ps and tongue. Contributor: Murray, T. J.*Source: Colles, Abraham. Practical Observations on the Venereal Diseases, and on the Use of Mercury. 1837 [Reprinted in Medical Cla ssics, vol. 4. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1939-40, p. 10].

*****-->05>Samuel Solly, 1868 Dr. Samuel Solly, President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society givi ng evidence to a government committee, said of syphilis that it was self-inflicte d, it is avoidable by refraining from sexual activity and was intended as a punis hment for our sins and that we should not interfere in the matter. Contributor: Murray, T. J.*Source: Solly, Samuel. In Abse D. Doctors and Pati ents. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press; 1984, p. 93.

*****-->06>John Hinchman Stokes, Herman Beerman, Norman R. Ingraham, 1945 The purveying of sexual pleasure used to be a professional specialty. The hip flask, the automobile, and the sexification of young and old¡­have made it an am ateur sport¡­. The zipper, the simplification of clothing, the car, the tourist c amp, the invariable presence of alcohol--the ounce too much--has spread the trans mission of the venereal diseases all over the place. Contributor: Huth, Edward J.*Source: Stokes JH, Beerman H, Ingraham NR. Moder n Clinical Syphilology: Diagnosis, Treatment, Case study, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W .B. Saunders; 1945, p. 1215.

*****-->07>Theresa Crenshaw, 1987 You're not sleeping with just one person, you're sleeping with everyone they ever slept with. Contributor: Haubrich, William S.*Source: Crenshaw, Theresa. Men, Women, Sex, and AIDS. NBC-TV Interview. 13 Jan 1987.

Cures for Venereal Disease

Virtually every single issue of every newspaper throughout the eighteenth cen tury has advertisements for curing venereal disease.

here as following are representative examples from the center of civilization of 18th century,Paris,France.


2-5 January 1702 Mr. Nedham surgeon, who is daily successful in curing the venereal disease sp eedily, takes away all the sores, scabs and pains after a particular manner beyon d any thing yet generally known or usually practised, and where all common method s of practice shall fail. His Antivenereal Antidote, a pleasant, gentle medicine, which, without the le ast sickness or hindrance of business, soon cures a clap or running of the reins [discharges from the kidneys], speedily takes away all the heat and pain, in maki ng water. Price 3 shillings the pot, with printed directions, Sold at his house i n Great Southampton-street in High Holborn, near Bloomsbury-Square; at the Blue B alcony Rayls with a Golden Head thereon, being over the door; where he is constan tly to be spoken with all the morning. [English Post]


7-9 January 1702 Our old physitian Dr. Case, who hath so publickly made the world sensible of his speedy and wonderful method of curing the Grand P[ox], his knowledge extends much further by his spagyrick [alchemical] art to cure the dropsie, and no money before the cure is perfected; and also rheumatisms, agues, fevers, gripes or conv ulsions; your leprosies or scurvy spots shall be extirpated, your children cured of bursten bellies, and worms destroyed; the Deaf shall have their hearing and th e blind the sight; the grand Enemy to Nature shall be destroyed if you come in ti me, I mean the consumptions, with all its attendances, as coughs, hoarseness, pth isick, spittings, weakness, want of appetite, by my medicines and directions, tho ¡¯ the afflicted lives miles distance. From my home at the Lilly¡¯s Head over aga inst Ludgate-Church, within Black FriersGate. [English Post]


30 December 1708-1 January 1709 Marten¡¯s Appendix to the Sixth Edition of his Book of the Venereal Disease, lately publish¡¯d; being a new system of all the secret infirmities and diseases, natural, accidental, and venereal, in men and Women, that defile and ruin the he alths of themselves and their posterity; obstruct conjugal delectancy and pregnan cy; with their various methods of cure. To which is added, something particular c oncerning generation and conception; and of miscarriages in women from vener[e]al causes, the like never done before. Useful for physicians, surgeons, apothecarie s and midwives, as well as for those that have, or are in danger of falling under any such impure or defective indispositions. With a farther warning against quac ks, and of some late notorious abuses committed by them, who they are, that peopl e may avoid them. By John Marten chirurgeon. Printed with the same letter, on the same paper, as is his Book of the Disease aforesaid, that those who please may b ind it up with that. Sold by S. Crouch, in Cornhill, N. Crouch, in the Pultry, J. Knapton and M. Atkins, in St. Paul¡¯s Churchyard; P. Varenne, near Somerset-Hous e; and C. King, in Westminster-Hall, and John Isted, at the Golden-Ball against S t. Dunstan¡¯s Church, Fleet-street. Price stitch¡¯d 1s. 6d. [Post Boy]


25 August 1716 I JANE SMITH, living at Mr. Rowbery¡¯s in Temple-Street in White-Fryars, (whe re I have dwelt these ten years) had the secret disease [venereal disease, specif ically syphillis] in such a deplorable Condition for a year and a half, that I wa s all broke out from head to foot, and become such a sad spectacle, that I was ev en frightful to look at; and not only weary of my life, never expecting any cure, but even thought of nothing but perishing and rotting by it: I was advised by a friend to take of the specifick remedy recommended by Dr. Chamberlaine, and menti oned in the Practical Scheme of the Secret Disease and Broken Constitutions; and by taking only a few times of it, I am now perfectly cured, not only to my own, b ut also the great astonishment of all who knows me; and I am ready (either my sel f, or my mother with whom I live) fully to satisfie any person about it. Witness my hand this 28th of June, 1716. Jane Smith. The scheme is given gratis in English and French at Mrs. Garway¡¯s at the Roy al-Exchange-Gate; at Mr. Cooper¡¯s a toyshop near Hungerford-Market; and up one p air of stairs at the Sugar-Loaf a confectioner¡¯s shop, over against Old Round-Co urt, near the New Exchange in the Strand. Note, at this last place is also given gratis, The Essay on external Appended Remedies, dedicated to Dr. Chamberlaine an d the Royal Society, occasioned by the great Increase of late years in the Bills of Mortality, of children that die of their teeth. [Weekly Journal, or The Britis h Gazetteer]


29 May 1725 Against the VENEREAL DISEASE. THE famous Italian BOLUS [large round pill], has so great success in the cure of the venereal disease, that not one of the great numbers that daily take it mi ss of a perfect Cure; and though so very cheap as 2s. 6d. each, yet four polusses [large pills] never fail to root out and carry off the most malignant, virulent, and obstinate kind of the venereal disease, without confinement, or making your case known to any; which, if it fails to do, the money is returned. This great me dicine likewise destroys mercury and carries it out of the body, and thereby reli eves those unfortunate persons who have fallen into bad hands in former cures. Is to be had only at the Flaming Sword the corner of Russel-Street, over against Wi ll¡¯s Coffee House, Covent-Garden; and if sold at any other place is counterfeit. [Mist¡¯s Weekly Journal]


31 July 1725 W. Rayner, Surgeon, living at the Blue Posts in Preston¡¯s-Yard, the lower en d of the Minories, the name Rayner and golden Ball hanging over the gate, near Li ttle Tower Hill. Hath a speedy and safe cure for the pox or clap [veneral disease], with all i ts various symptoms, by his famous chymical drink, being pleasant in taste, yet e ffectual in curing that dangerous disease, which has been the ruin of hundreds by falling into unskilful hands. I cure (under God) the most inveterate pox, in 3 w eeks at farthest, as ulcers in the throat, lost palate, sinking in the nose, phym osis, paraphymosis, shankers [veneral ulcers], pocky warts, buboes [swellings in armpit or groin], or swelling in any part. If your body be full of ulcers and sca bs, in a few days I remove all those heterogeneous particles, taking away all pai ns in the head, shoulders and shin bones, so that this salubrious liquor restores the body to perfect health. They that have made tryal of it wonder at the cures it performs. Those who have newly got a clap, may entirely depend on a cure, by t aking two or three doses of my venereal pills or bolusses, without hindrance of b usiness, or it being known to the nearest relation or bedfellow. I shall not use many invitations, but rather leave you to make experience, which is beyond all ar gument. In a word, let your condition be never so bad, distrust not, for I promis e very fair, no cure no money. I do any thing in surgery. My pills and bolusses a re useful for sea or land, which I have always ready by me. Note, There¡¯s a ligh t at my door in an evening. [Mist¡¯s Weekly Journal]


11 September 1725

ADVERTISEMENT WRIGHT¡¯s Diuretick, or cleansing Tincture. Which urinally discharges all the fæces or putrid relicks of the Lues A lamode [syphillis], or venereal infection, and causes its concomitants, the wretc hed train of that complicated distemper, as a mucous, filthy, sanious matter [pus s] lodg¡¯d in the reins [kidneys], or spermatick parts, which either cause a shar pness in the urine, or too frequently provokes it. This relick is discoverable, p artly by the subsequent symptoms, viz. by a debility or weakness of the back, a f ætid nauseous, and averting smell of the urine, with a purulent matter, or seculent sordes [foul scum], residing at the bottom, or flying in it, with variet y of figures. Farther, this tincture especially carries off all relicks of the ve nereal disease, after ill managed cures, not only cleansing the urinary passages of all sand, gravel, films, or membraneous pellicles, &c. but after a singular ef ficacy, invigorating the reins, restoring them, and all their genital parts, to t heir original tone and use, though the misfortune and decay be of the longest dat e, with an equal success in each sex. To be had for 10s. per bottle, with directi ons for its use, only at his house, the Golden Head, and Two Lamps in Bell-Savage Yard on Ludgate Hill. [Weekly Journal, or The British Gazetteer]


5 March 1726 All that are distressed to the last degree with the French disease, or any sy mptoms of it, and try¡¯d salivation, the specifick, and arcanum, and all the diet drinks, with all the other mercurial slipslops, and tired with taking medicines to no purpose, may have a fair, speedy, cheap, and safe cure: A clap or running o f the reins [kidneys; i.e. discharge] is cured in a few days, without hindrance o f business; and so private, that the most intimate cannot take notice of it. Note , Those that live in the country may send and be furnish¡¯d with six doses for fi ve shillings, that cure all symptoms of the French disease, rheumatism, or scurvy and will do you more service in all the aforesaid distempers, than any 12 doses sold in England. To be spoke with at the Golden Ball in Three Faulcon Court in Fleet-street, a lmost over against Water-Lane. Advice in all distempers gratis. [Weekly Journal, or The British Gazetteer]

CITATION: Rictor Norton, Early Eighteenth-Century Newspaper Reports: A Source book, "Cures for Venereal Disease", 18 November 2001, updated 30 November 2001

Herb Medicine for social disease from MDidea Group.

¡Ñ¡º1>,Smilax China P.E.¡»: Sarsaparilla has long been used in the treatment of syphilis. Clinical observations in China demonstrated that sarsaparilla was effective ( according to blood tests) in about 90% of acute and 50% of chronic cases. In the 1950s the antibiotic properties of sarsaparilla were documented; other studies do cumented its antifungal and antimycobacterial activities. Its anti-inflammatory activity has been demonstrated in several in vitro and in vivo studies,using different laboratory-induced models of arthritis and inflam mation. One of these studies attributes the beneficial effect for arthritis to sarsap arilla¡¯s immunomodulatory action. Sarsaparilla also has demonstrated hepatoprotective effects in rats, with res earchers concluding that it is able to prevent immune-mediated liver injury. Improvement of appetite and digestion has been noted with sarsaparilla, as we ll as its diuretic actions in humans. The root has been reported to have stimulatory activity on the kidneys in hum ans and, in chronic nephritis, it was shown to increase the urinary excretion of uric acid. ¡¤¡¸More¡¹:For more research topics for this material,click as following==> Click for More Details

¡Ñ¡º2>, Podophyllotoxin¡»:Treatment against flat acetowhite penile human papi llomavirus.

Podophyllotoxin:treatment against flat acetowhite penile human papillomavirus

Anogenital warts (also called condylomas) are caused by the human papillomavi rus (HPV). They occur predominantly in sexually active young adults, and have a v ariety of forms. They are common, with a million consultations annually in the US A, and over 50,000 newly diagnosed patients in the UK every year. Bandolier was asked whether a recent editorial [1] suggesting that self-admin istered treatments were effective was correct. How can anyone tell? This seemed l ike a good excuse for a swift search for evidence as an exemplar of how a rapid r eview might be helpful and how it could be performed by a healthcare professional for, say, a health authority or primary care group wanting to make policy. [Mechanism of Action Category]: treatment against flat acetowhite penile huma n papillomavirus. ¡¤¡¸More¡¹:For more research topics for this material,click as following==> Click for More Details

Standardized natural extracts for market and application available from MDide a Group as following: ¡¤Diephylleia Sinensis Li P.E. Podophyllotoxin98%HPLC [Botanical Source]:Diephylleia Sinensis Li [Botanical Synoms]:Common Dysosma Rhizome; Rhizoma Dysosmae Versipellis [Part Used]: Branches and Leaves [Type of Products]: Standardized Powder Extract [Chemical Name]: Furo(3',4':6,7)naphtho(2,3-d)-1,3-dioxol-6(5ah)-one,5,8,8a,9 -tetrahydro-9-hydroxy-5- (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)- [Chemical Synoms]: Condylox;NSC 24818;Podofilox;Podophyllinic acid lactone; P odophyllotoxine(NSC-24818)Germany: Podophyllotoxin; podofyllotoksin [Cas Number]: 518-28-5 [Professional Processor&Quality Charger]: Dr.Michael Derrida [Quantity]:30 kgs monthly, deliver on stock.

¡Ñ¡º3>,Holy Ghost Root(Archangel Root,Dong Quai)¡»:

Known in Europe since the 17th century, Angelica is the fleshy root of the wi ld celery plant. It stimulates production of digestive juices, improves the flow of bile into the digestive tract, and combats digestive spasms.Don't confuse the European variety of this root with Chinese Angelica, or Dong Quai. The Chinese ve rsion is used as a remedy for menstrual problems and the symptoms of menopause, t onic for anemia (loss of red blood cells), and a treatment for heart disease and high blood pressur and the cowboys in west america of 18th century purchase angelica oftenly as herb medicine for anti social disease. angelica root p.e. also help to purify blood. and help to cure social disease and control HIV. [Mechanism of Action Category]: Mast cell degranulation Inhibitor. ¡¤¡¸More¡¹:For more research topics for this material,click as following==> Click for More Details

Standardized natural extracts for market and application available from MDide a Group as following: ¡¤Angelica P.E. Ligustilide0.8%HPLC1.0%HPLC ¡¤Angelica P.E. Ligustilide10:1 ¡¤Angelica Essential Oil(Ligustilide75%GC)

¡Ñ¡º4>,What is danshen?Inhibition of mast cell degranulation by tanshinones f rom the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza?¡»: [Chemical Name]: Tanshinones,Tanshinone IIA [Botanical Source]:Przewalsk Sage Root; [Botanical Synoms]:Radix Salviae Przewalskii,Salvia Przewalskii Maxim.;Salvia miltiorrhiza;Salvia, danshen [Plant Part Used]: Root. [Mechanism of Action Category]: Mast cell degranulation Inhibitor. ¡¤¡¸More¡¹:For more research topics for this material,click as following==> Click for More Details

Standardized natural extracts for market and application available from MDid ea Group as following: ¡¤Dan-shen P.E. Tanshinones10% UV(Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae P.E.) ¡¤Dan-shen P.E. Tanshinones20% UV(Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae P.E.) ¡¤Tanshinone IIA 10% HPLC(Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae P.E.) ¡¤Tanshinone IIA 20% HPLC(Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae P.E.) ¡¤Dan-Shen P.E.Tanshinone IIA 1.5% HPLC(Water Soluble)(for injection) ¡¤Dan-Shen P.E.Tanshinone IIA 2.0% HPLC(Water Soluble)(for injection)

¡Ñ¡º5>,natural Emodin and Rhein¡»:

Best choice for social transmitted disease, or other various inflammatory di seases. Genetic toxicology studies were conducted in Salmonella typhimurium, cultured Chinese hamsterovary cells, rat and mouse bone marrow cells, and mouse periphera l blood erythrocytes. Emodin (3-methyl-1,6,8-trihydroxyanthraquinone) inhibits TNF-induced NF-B act ivation, IB degradation, and expression of cell surface adhesion proteins in huma n vascular endothelial cells These results indicate that emodin is a potent inhibitor of NF-B activation a nd expression of adhesion molecules and thus could be useful in treating various inflammatory diseases. ¡¤¡¸More¡¹:For more research topics for this material,click as following==> Click for More Details Standardized natural extracts for market and application available from MDide a Group as following:

¡¤Rheum palmatum L.var.tanguticum Maxim.ex Rgl.Root P.E.Emodin99%HPLC ¡¤Rheum palmatum L.var.tanguticum Maxim.ex Rgl.Root P.E.Emodin98%HPLC ¡¤Rheum Palmatum L.(R.potaninii A.Los.)P.E.Rhein90%HPLC [Mechanism of Action Category]: Mast cell degranulation Inhibitor, medicine f or various inflammatory diseases. [Professional Processor&Quality Charger]: Dr.Michael Derrida if you have more other interest, please contact with directly Michael Derrida for more details and question, just simply transfer an email and we would be hap py more than just help.

Some General Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The following are only a few important signs indicating sexually transmitted diseases. The list is by no means exhaustive. When in doubt, please consult your family physician.

Indications in the genital area: A sore, ulcer or rash on the penis, vagina or vulval lips A sore, ulcer or rash on or near anus Swollen glands in the groin A burning sensation or pain on urination An itchy or sore vagina or an itchy penis tip Pain on intercourse Unusual discharge from the penis or vagina A frequent urge to urinate

Indications in the other parts of body: Patchy hair loss Eye infection A sore ulcer or rash in the mouth A sore throat Body rash A rash, sore or ulcer on finger or hand Related Conditions from Internal Spread of Diseases: Abdominal pain Low backache Excessively painful periods Nausea Low grade fever

Advice to Infected Persons: If you suspect that you have a sexually transmitted disease, have a medical e xamination done as soon as possible.

Consult a qualified doctor. Call on your family physician.

Follow the prescribed treatment fully. Never go to quacks, who may appear in newspapers or billboard advertisements. Due to their ignorance the disease will progress to a stage where the damage wil l be irreversible. Confide in someone you trust. Warn your sex partners to seek medical aid. Avoid sexual contact. Avoid re-infection. Avoid promiscuous sexual activity.

Some Tips on How to Avoid Getting Infected

The following procedures will help to reduce the risk of infection. It can in no way guarantee prevention of STD

Wash genitals daily.

Change underwear daily. Use only cotton underwear.

Avoid contact with chemicals that irritate the genitals.

Wipe the bottom (anus) from front to back (especially women)

Keep sexual contact to one partner, who is free from infections

Look for discharge or sores on a new partner's genitals.

Use a condom during intercourse.

Wash genitals before and after intercourse.

Urinate immediately after intercourse

Scintific References: Sexually transmitted diseases.*Contributor: Haubrich, William S.(Source: Cre nshaw, Theresa. Men, Women, Sex, and AIDS. NBC-TV Interview. 13 Jan 1987.)*Contri butor: Huth, Edward J.(Source: Stokes JH, Beerman H, Ingraham NR. Modern Clinical Syphilology: Diagnosis, Treatment, Case study, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunde rs; 1945, p. 1215.)*Contributor: Murray, T. J.(Source: Solly, Samuel. In Abse D. Doctors and Patients. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press; 1984, p. 93.)*Con tributor: Murray, T. J.(Source: Colles, Abraham. Practical Observations on the Ve nereal Diseases, and on the Use of Mercury. 1837 [Reprinted in Medical Classics, vol. 4. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1939-40, p. 10].)*Contributor: Aterman, Ku rt(Source: von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Unseemly Matters: From the "Secret Archiv e" of a Certain Herr von Goethe. Translated by Aterman K. Zurich: Werner Classen Verlag; 1974, p. 14.)*Contributor: Huth, Edward J.(Source: Mather, Cotton. The An gel of Bethesda. 1724 [Reprinted in Jones GW (ed). Barre, MA: American Antiquaria n Society and Barre Publishers; 1972, p. 83].)*Contributor: Huth, Edward J.(Sourc e: de Bethencourt, Jacques. Nova Peonitentialis Quadragesima, nec non Purgatorium in Morbum Gallicum sive Venereum. Paris; 1527 [As cited in Major RH, Classic Des criptions of Disease, p. 41 (q.v.)].)* Archeology ofsocial disease and advertisements for curing venereal disease i n civilization of 18th century! BY Dr.Michael Derrida

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